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Sugar Bowl

Sugar Bowl Sewer Extension Project

New sewer line construction project in the Sugar Bowl East and West Villages

The ballots were counted on June 29, 2024, for the Sugar Bowl Sewer Project Financing (CFD Special Tax). The unofficial results are a count of 10 yes and 32 no.  The CFD Special Tax is therefore not approved by the property owners. The DSPUD Board is scheduled to take action to certify the results at their Board meeting on July 16. Background information from the CFD Special Tax will be temporarily archived at the Link below: Sugar Bowl Sewer Archive

The segment that is currently under construction in the West Village (aka Phase 2A) will continue since two property owners provided a cash deposit to build that piece. All other work, including final design, for the remainder of the West Village and the East Village are on hold indefinitely.

Information regarding the Phase 2A Project is presented on this page.

Project Details

Brief History

In 2009, Placer County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) approved the annexation of the East and West Villages into DSPUD’s service area to provide water and sewer services. The East and West Villages were first connected to the water system with the intent to connect to the sewer system in the future. The 2009 Annexation Agreement states that the properties would be required to connect to public sewer within 10 years or when septic systems fail, if treatment capacity is available. DSPUD completed an upgrade and expansion of its wastewater treatment plant in 2015. The wastewater treatment plant now has the capacity to treat wastewater from the East and West Villages. The next step to providing the Villages with sewer service is to extend the public sewer lines to parcels that do not have access to the public sewer so that they can connect.

Project Scope – Phase 2A

Public sewer lines are under construction to extend sewer to the north end of the West Village. DSPUD is the lead agency for installation of the public sewer. Project plans are available at the following link: 

Phase 2A Plans

Individual property owners are responsible for the work on their property, including:

  • DSPUD connection fees
  • Private lateral pipe from the property line to the home
  • Abandonment of any existing septic system

Project Costs

Each property owner is responsible for the cost of work on their property. Any property owner that wishes to connect to the public sewer must pay the DSPUD connection fee and extend public sewer to their property as required by the DSPUD sewer master plan.

Current Status

Construction bids from contractors for the first segment of the West Village sewer (Phase 2A) were received and opened on February 13, 2024. DSPUD received advance funding for this segment from one property owner and Sugar Bowl Corporation. This allowed DSPUD to award the construction contract to Resource Development Company dba Farr Construction for a contract amount of $1,594,685. Phase 2A Construction is planned to break ground on July 8, 2024.  Construction will be complete by October 31, 2024.